High SchoolResourcesLove Liberty

Don’t just express your love for others, but also for your liberties! Loving liberty is uniquely American!

Meeting Presentations

Chapter Games

Where Do You Fall

Where Do You Fall

See how you feel about certain American liberties and where you fall on the scale compared to other Americans!


Losing Liberties In America

by Fireside Chat with Dennis Prager

Freedom is harder to keep than you may think. Dennis Prager explains freedom is under attack in America, and why it’s important to push back.

Freedom—hard to get, but easy to lose

By Maureen Robertson

You’d be surprised how easy it can be to take our liberties for granted. This article goes into how easy it is to lose our liberties if we aren’t careful!

Activism Ideas

Love Liberty Activity Sheet

Love Liberty Activity Sheet

Activism is an important part of TPUSA chapters spreading their ideas to others and making a difference. Check out our activism sheet for ideas on what your chapter can do or think of your own ideas to make sure others know about how amazing Liberty is.

Elevate your Chapter

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TPUSA Students is the largest and most impactful conservative student program powered by Turning Point USA. Turning Point USA is a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Organization. All donations are tax-deductible. Turning Point USA’s Tax ID number is 80-0835023.

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