High SchoolResourcesWe Love Our Vets

We are the land of the free because we are the home of the brave, and take this time to learn about and honor the people who fight for our freedom.

Meeting Presentations

Chapter Games

Name The Famous Veteran

Name The Famous Veteran

Many men and women throughout history have fought for this country! Learn about different famous veterans by playing this Kahoot which tests your knowledge about them!


Green Beret Sniper Turns UFC Headliner

by Tim Kennedy

Tim Kennedy, an accomplished Green Beret sniper and UFC headliner, focuses on the invaluable lessons drawn from military service and the significance of embracing failure and enduring hardships.

Why Is Veterans Day on November 11th? What to Know About the History of This Federal Holiday

By USO Staff

The United Services Organization walks you through the history behind Veterans Day since it’s beginning, and helps you understand its importance and how you can thank service members best!

The Spillover: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead. I know Because I Killed Him.

by The Spillover with Alex Clark

One of the greatest military operations gets broken down to us in detail by a man who was actually there! Veteran Rober O’Neill talks to Alex Clark about what it was like being a part of the team that brought down Osama Bin Laden.

Activism Ideas

We Love Our Vets Activities

We Love Our Vets Activities

Activism is an important part of TPUSA chapters spreading their ideas to others and making a difference. Check out our activism sheet for ideas on what your chapter can do or think of your own ideas to make sure that our Veterans feel appreciated.

Elevate your Chapter

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